Monday, 24 June 2013

#85 [Memory Monday]

It's so strange to think that it was 2 years ago that we left school and we were all getting excited for prom. There were so many lovely pictures taken from that night it's so hard to just pick one.

Sam, Ash, Tara, Me, Amy, Nessa, Laura, Emma, Cathrine, Sarah

I have to go for a group though, which has most of us in it! Although it may look like it, we didn't really go for a blue-purple colour scheme...with me being the only one who didn't get the memo! It just happened that we all seemed to like the same sort of colours. Prom is the only time in school where you get the chance to dress up, and even though it isn't as serious as in the US, it still had some level of formality. It was really nice to see everyone dressed up, all the guys in their suits and all the girls in their beautiful dresses. Mine was made by a family friend and I was so pleased at how it turned out; it's just a shame I will never get the chance to wear it again. This was definitely a one-off evening, and one that will be remembered mainly for after-prom where I got a total of about 1 hour sleep [if that]. We had a lot of laughs, and it was the perfect way to finish off 5 years.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x 

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