Monday, 17 June 2013


I have finished exaaaaaaaaams - education is done! And today has just been awesome. The morning part we can miss out; the exam went okay but was not enjoyable. You kind of forget about it when it's your last one! Then a spot of shopping didn't go amiss, where we found the birthday present that my grandparents are going to give me. And then topped off by a b-e-a-utiful evening!

Mr Watson

Me and some chums went down to the Cavern to see Lewis Watson play. None of us were massive fans, but I like his music and we thought it would be a fun night out. There were some crazy screaming fans there though, they literally knew every word to every song. I don't know whether you would feel flattered or freaked out. It was such a beaut evening, and the support acts were both awesome [especially Mr Frank Hamilton]. It was a lovely way to celebrate the end of exams and I am now looking forward to not doing a lot over the next few days.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

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