Thursday, 18 July 2013


Another cheeky purchase I have made recently, and one I am very excited about, is my new read - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone!

I am one of those people who just completely missed the Harry Potter craze in primary school. I remember one summer, when I must have been 10 years old, I brought this very book back from school to read. However after a couple of chapters [if that] I got bored. It seems odd to me now, knowing how successful both the books and films have become. It wasn't until last year when I watched all of the films [in the space of about 10 days] that I finally understood why so many people love Harry Potter. The transformation from the first year to the last, through the 8 films was something I thoroughly enjoyed; you just get so drawn in to the main characters stories, and seeing them grow up. It definitely made me want to read the books. Yes, I know, I've done it the wrong way round, but I can't help that now. I'm really looking forward to reading this, and I know that I will read it quickly, so I am saving it till next week, so that I can read on our long 7 hour journey to Newday.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

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