Tuesday, 9 April 2013


Yesterdays plans were put back into place for today - horrah! Me and Lauren had a trip to Exeter to get some new ear piercings.

Creepy pictures of our ears [Lauren left, Mine right]

Lauren got her rook done, and I just had my cartilage rim done. This is the 7th piercing for both of us, and it's becoming a little bit of a tradition! Although, today we did say that these would be our last. We went to Blue Banana to have them done; the shop looks a little scary but all the staff are lovely! And we had a bit of Ed Sheeran playing as we had ours done. Mine didn't hurt too badly, and only bled a little. Lauren's on the other hand looked super painful, I felt so bad for her! I do wonder why we decide to put ourselves through this pain, just to get another piece of metal in our bodies. Oh well, I think they look good. And thank you Lauren for a lovely day.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x


  1. Ooooh you got it done :)
    It looks good :D


  2. Hahaa thanks; trying so hard not to knock it! <3
