Tuesday, 30 April 2013


Chilling with the best boy!

I guess the downfall of doing this everyday is that most of the time I'm just going to be at home doing revision/work or at college doing revision/work! Today has been a typical day of going to college, coming home, failing to do anything productive, catching up on Youtube videos, watching some Gossip Girl and eating food in between everything. My companion follows me round most of the time, meowing for food, even though he's eaten the whole of the kitchen already! The only interesting thing I am up to this evening is listening to The Pigeon Detective's new album - so far so good.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Monday, 29 April 2013

#29 [Memory Monday]

This photo is from year 11, the best year at HCC.

This beautiful photo of me and Maddie was taken during the long process of taking everyone's pictures for our leavers yearbook. It took us a long time to sort all the photos and get everyone's comments, but the yearbook turned out really good and I think everyone liked it! I just remember spending a very long afternoon at Robyn's house typing up all the comments, making sure all the font was the same and everything matched. It took what felt like forever, but we had so much fun in the meantime!

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Sunday, 28 April 2013


Baby shower time!

One of our family friends Rosie is expecting triplets in the summer, which is definitely something worth celebrating. All the tables had a theme and we were sat on the Peppa Pig table, just in case the picture isn't obvious enough! It involved all the usual fun baby shower games like dressing the baby and eating baby food, and we had a really nice time. 

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Saturday, 27 April 2013


Today has been another busy day!

After coming home from a busy day at work, I cracked on with some more baking! This time it was chocolate-chip cookies for a baby shower I am going to tomorrow. I attempted them in the shape of cute baby feet and hearts, and I think they turned out okay.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Friday, 26 April 2013


Although I may use it as a form of procrastination, I really would love to get back into drawing.

Part of the wall of madness

With the weather being a lot nicer recently I think everyone gets into the mood of being more relaxed and just enjoying life a little bit more. Last summer I loved wasting my time just doing a bit of drawing here and there. I don't even know why I like it, considering I did so badly at it in the first three years of secondary school. But I enjoy finding photos in magazines and copying them to the best of my ability! I especially like faces, and even better if they are wearing glasses as well. Maybe once my life is returned to me after exams I can have a flick through the magazines again.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Thursday, 25 April 2013


The exercise has begun, well I've done some at least!

After sitting on my bum for far too long, I finally gave into my conscience and went for a run. It was nothing serious but it was just nice to feel that horrible chest burn after conquering a hill again! I always make a plan in my head to start fitting running into my week, but it never quite happens. I've decided I need some new exercise before I really get back into it. I mean, a bit of shopping is the perfect way to start encouraging exercise again - right?

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Wednesday, 24 April 2013


Enjoyed a lovely day off college, finished by these beautiful creations.

I was determined to try and use my day in a productive way, and that kind of happened. I spent the morning revising and then in the afternoon I edited a video for Beckii's youtube. [Go check it out - beccabirdx]. And I am now enjoying a fun evening just chilling at ours with all the peeps. Naomi made these beautiful macaroons which tasted so good. Keen to do some more baking this week; think I may be attempting some cookies at the end of the week!

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Tuesday, 23 April 2013


Who doesn't love to wake up to a sunny day? And today has been no exception.

Mr Watson in the garden

On days like today, all I want to do is spend time outside, sunning and relaxing. That didn't happen as college is still on and exams are closer each day, but it was still nice to look and see a nice blue sky! Even walking to the train station is more enjoyable when the sun is out; I think this may be why I'm feeling the urge to do some exercise more recently. Also, as it gets closer to summer you start noticing everyone at college is out in the park, and the computers are left deserted inside. I just hope I keep enough focus to do revision and get through my exams.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Monday, 22 April 2013

#22 [Memory Monday]

As well as wanting this blog to be a record of the memories I'm having now, I also thought it would be nice to look back at some of the fun times I've had over the last few years. So here starts Memory Monday.

Newday 2010

I have so many memories at Newday over the last 4 years, and I think this photo nicely sums up how awesome our youth group is. Every year has it's special moments, but this one was a good one because it was the first time I had seen Matt since he got back from Zambia, it was the year I got closer to Abifail, Tara was there, and it was just so much fun! This was the year I think we had the most rain, but that didn't affect it too much. It's 97 days until Newday this year (not counting or anything) and we are all so looking forward to it already. Not sure if the weather from last year can be beaten, seeing as we had 30 degree heat most of the week, but I'm sure it will be amazing regardless.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Sunday, 21 April 2013


The only thing that makes Sunday good is a roast. Only kidding. But a roast is always appreciated!

So off to the Grandparents we go. They live pretty much in the middle of nowhere and have these lovely views of the countryside. The sort of thing you really appreciate when you get older; don't think I'm quite their yet! I came away feeling very full and ready for an afternoon nap, although that won't happen as I should be getting on with some revision instead.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Saturday, 20 April 2013


An evening with the girls is just what is needed!

Bit gutted it isn't fully in focus

After a beautiful day of sunshine, which I spent inside working, it was nice to get outside and film a video for Beckii's YouTube channel. Was a little bit chilly as the sun had gone down but it was fun to film all the same. We are now enjoying eating crappy food and chilling in Abi's room, who needs to go out on a Saturday night?

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Friday, 19 April 2013


The best baking I think I've ever done. Or just the best photographed.

Peanut Butter Blondies, may be one of the best baking inventions yet? I got this recipe off of Kate Gowing's blog last night, and couldn't wait to try them out. It includes white chocolate and peanut butter, two of my favourite things in life! I look forward to devouring these with a nice cup of tea later this evening.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Thursday, 18 April 2013


The sun is finally out - kind of.

Sunglasses from Dixi

The weather in the UK has been super cold, up until this week, when finally the sun has decided to grace us with it's presence! It's no where near shorts weather yet, although I've seen some people in college who have braved it. It's just been nice to go outside and not have to wear a coat/jacket. I'm hoping the sun decides to stick around, as I think we've earned to have some good weather now.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Wednesday, 17 April 2013


The 5th member of the family to get glasses!

Of course her eyes had to be special, so she has one short-sighted eye and one long-sighted eye. They're not proper permanent ones, quite similar to mine;they are for computers, looking at screens, TV etc. I think she looks so cute, and she's in the stage where she actually wanted to have glasses!

Until tomorrow, goodbye x

Tuesday, 16 April 2013


I am lacking in all motivation and inspiration today, think it may be due to the fact that we are back at college. So I thought I'd post a picture of something that cheers me up on a day like today.

My little Buney

Rebecca, especially when she is pulling this beautiful face, can cheer me up any day. As much as she annoys me on a pretty constant basis, I don't what I'd do if I didn't have her poking her head round my door every 5 minutes. I've already lost count how many times she's come into my room today.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Monday, 15 April 2013


As well as getting my lovely gifts yesterday, I now also have, on loan, 2 CDs which I have wanted for a while!

'Holy Fire' and 'Arc'

Both Foals and Everything Everything already have pride of place on my ipod with their previous albums, and I was super excited earlier this year to find out they would both be releasing new albums. I have already had a quick listen to both of these [mainly Arc] on Spotify, but I am really keen to have a good listen to both of these. I don't know what I'd do without a bit of music in my life, and these may even join my top 10 albums.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Sunday, 14 April 2013


Today I received a gift from one of my favourite people, on quite a special day. My wooden African animal ornament collection has grown by one!

Today is mine and Matt's 3 year anniversary, and the first time I had seen his parents since they got back from visiting him in South Africa. It was great to have a catch up with them, and along with a lovely letter and some other treats, I received this cute tortoise! It can now make friends with my hippo from Zambia [also given to me by Matt] and my elephant from Tanzania, from Lauren. Even if the gift had been horrible, I still would have been mighty impressed that he had the fore-thinking to get parents to bring me something back! He is a changed man.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Saturday, 13 April 2013


This holiday my room has suffered on the tidiness front, due to laziness really, but the other day I decided to dust and rearrange all of my sunglasses. For some this may seem a pointless task, but for a girl nearing 40 pairs of sunglasses it was needed.

I don't even know when or how this collection began, but it has grown rapidly over the last year! I have a habit of collecting pointless objects; my train ticket collection is going strong. I have wanted to start a hat collection for a while now too, but I would want to display them properly, and I don't think my mum would appreciate any more holes in my wall. I think that idea may have to be saved for when I move out of home. And for now, sunglasses will do. Although I am worried the string may break at any time.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Friday, 12 April 2013


As I sit here and think about the amount of revision I should be doing, there is one main thing that stops me - Gossip Girl.

I am the sort of person who watches a TV series far too quickly, and having Netflix on my computer and kindle does not help! I'm currently nearing the end of series 3, and I bloomin' love this programme. I fully blame this for being the reason I have not revised enough this holiday, oh dear!

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x


Yesterday was a bit of a weird day which meant I didn't get the time to post, so here is day 11.

They may kill me for this

I was meant to crack on with some revision yesterday morning...but ended up waking up at 11am! I did do some up until lunch time, but probably should have done a little bit more. I then went to my friends for the evening with all the gals, which was really fun. It wasn't a late one, but I did only end up getting like 5 hours sleep - oh the joys! I had a hilarious evening, having a good boogie and beating Josh at snap [highlight of the night].

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Wednesday, 10 April 2013


A new book to read! I have already read the first two books in the 'Lorien Legacies' series, and today I started the third. 

Rise of Nine - Pittacus Lore

'The Rise of Nine' is the most recent book in the series, and was released in August 2012. There are 3 more books planned to be written, with the next one coming out some time this year. The story is science fiction and revolves around a species from the planet Lorien, who end up coming to earth. The series is written by two collaborative authors under the pseudonym Pittacus Lore, the lead elder of Lorien. I stormed my way through the first and second book, and I am already enjoying the third one just as much. Thank you Phoebe for letting me borrow them!

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Tuesday, 9 April 2013


Yesterdays plans were put back into place for today - horrah! Me and Lauren had a trip to Exeter to get some new ear piercings.

Creepy pictures of our ears [Lauren left, Mine right]

Lauren got her rook done, and I just had my cartilage rim done. This is the 7th piercing for both of us, and it's becoming a little bit of a tradition! Although, today we did say that these would be our last. We went to Blue Banana to have them done; the shop looks a little scary but all the staff are lovely! And we had a bit of Ed Sheeran playing as we had ours done. Mine didn't hurt too badly, and only bled a little. Lauren's on the other hand looked super painful, I felt so bad for her! I do wonder why we decide to put ourselves through this pain, just to get another piece of metal in our bodies. Oh well, I think they look good. And thank you Lauren for a lovely day.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Monday, 8 April 2013


My plans for today have been abandoned due to Lauren being ill - hope you feel better soon! So I think this may turn into a day in bed, chilling with the cat and catching up on jobs.


Although I would normally feel bad about lazying around the house, it is the Easter Holidays, so I am still going to take this opportunity to not do a lot. Especially as when we get back to College it's going to be straight back into exam prep. I'm also trying to sort out some work experience for the summer, so if I get that sorted then it hasn't been a complete waste of the day. I may even fit in some revision!

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Sunday, 7 April 2013


Today has been a fun one - started off with church, then went out for a drive with dad and then went for a walk along the seafront.

Me and Sarah

It was super windy, and rather cold, but was nice to get some fresh air. We then went and warmed up at 'By the Bay'; I had a cream tea which was yum! Sometimes it's just nice to get out of the house and go for a walk.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Saturday, 6 April 2013


During our shopping trip on Thursday, my wonderful mother bought me a new duvet cover, one of the very few things I did end up getting.

It's a lovely ditsy print, getting ready for all this sunny weather we will be having [hopefully]! Pink is not my favourite colour, and doesn't really go with the rest of my room but I still think it looks nice.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Friday, 5 April 2013


Today has been a fun-filled day of revision with Phoebe [go check out her blog]. 

We have exams coming up in May/June so we decided to crack on with some revision for Psychology. Now that our brains hurt, we are off to a friends house for the rest of the afternoon to just chill and eat food. 

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Thursday, 4 April 2013


Today was a venture into Exeter for some shopping. Our main aim was to find some prom dresses for Beckii and Abi to try on, and to generally do a little bit of shopping.
Dresses in Debenhams

These were some of the beautiful dresses Beckii tried, and it seems like forever ago since we were trying on dresses for our prom. It was a lovely girly day, but now my feet are killing me!

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Wednesday, 3 April 2013


This is going to be my day - in bed, with tissues very near by. 

I've been holding off a cold for the past few weeks, as we had a choir performance on Sunday. However, now that I am on holiday for 2 weeks, I think my body has decided to give up. I'm using my time wisely though, and attempting to do some long-due revision for my summer exams. Not the most fun day in the world!

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Tuesday, 2 April 2013


Today me and the chums did a photo shoot for Lucy's photography project. The theme being 'Inside, Outside' she had the genius idea of having a vintage style tea party outside. It took quite a lot of work getting all the stuff to her sisters house and set up, but we had a lot of fun, and hopefully the pictures will be worth it!

This was just a random shot that we got of all of us together in the beautiful sunshine [although it was super cold]. Such a fun afternoon, with my three favourite girls.

Lauren, Tara, Lucy and Me

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x


One post, One picture, Every day, For a year.

I have decided to document my life with one simple picture a day for the next 365 days. I realise this may be a bit of a mean feat but I'm up for the challenge.

I've mainly started this blog for my own purposes, but I am  happy to share it also. It hit me the other say that this year so far has been very important to me, lots of changes, and I regret not starting something like this sooner. This is the year where me and my friends becoming adults, leave college and go out into the big bad world! So my aim is to document it, one picture at a time, so that I have a record of how I change over the next year, and a collection of what may end up being some of my best memories.

So, I start this journey on the back of one the most significant weekends in the year for me - Easter Weekend. As a Christian this is where the basis of my faith lies and this year was even more special. One of my good friends Beckii got baptised at our church's Easter service, and it made for a very lovely day.

Rebecca, Me, Mum

This really highlighted to me how important family and community is, so here we begin with a picture of me, my mum and my sister. I had a lovely walk and brunch on the beach with the family and some friends in Beer, a local seaside town. The weather at the moment in England is freezing, so why we decided to go down to the beach is beyond me, but we all crammed into the 'inside seating' at the cafe Duckies. Which actually turned out to be a decked-out shed!

It was a fun day to start this whole thing, and I look forward to the weather improving nearer the summer, so we can enjoy more fun days of the beach!

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x