Friday, 31 May 2013


Who would want to stay inside on a day like today?

The weather was just so lovely today, I don't even feel bad about not doing that much revision. Truth is I would have ended up not doing a lot anyway. We had planned to go down to Exmouth for the afternoon, but we weren't sure what the weather was going to be like. Luckily the sun decided to come out and stay out! We had such a fun time playing volleyball and just enjoying the sun. Topped off by some fish and chips, and a cheeky birthday cake for Abi, it was a beautiful day.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Thursday, 30 May 2013


Can we pull off the green nails?

Part of our girly night last night also included painting nails, as would be expected. I decided to go for some-what of a more daring colour and chose this Nail Pro+ Longwear Nail Varnish by Avon. I'm not sure on the actual shade colour, but it can only be described as a lime green. Not one I would normally go for, or one I have in my collection, but I thought it would be fun to try something a bit different. Not sure if it will be a colour I go out and purchase, I am more or a classic-colours girl. However maybe when the sun comes out and you got a bit of a tan it could work.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Wednesday, 29 May 2013


Oooh how I love the holidays.

It only struck me on Monday, when talking to Matt, that to other countries having half-term holidays may seem odd. Matt's only been out of the country for 5 months, but even he has already got used to the school's structure out there. I've already had to remind him multiple times that I am on holiday this week. But I am definitely not complaining; I so very easily slip into relaxation and enjoying my time off. However this shouldn't be a completely wasted week; as much as I am enjoying myself, I should be doing some revision. I have only got 3 weeks of college left so I should be using my time wisely before it all comes to an end. I could find it very easy though to sleep in till 10 and not really do much with my day, by the time I feel guilty it's already 4 o'clock and the day has gone.
Today has been a really nice day though, not much revision done, but the family were clearing  and tidying up the garden, which I watched from the comfort of my bedroom. And then this evening was spent enjoying a chinese with the gals and a bit of Mean Girls. Nothing better than a take-away with good company and a natter.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Tuesday, 28 May 2013


As much as I love earning money, I also enjoy spending it!

Real Techniques Expert Face Brush, Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer, MUA 'Undress Me Too' PaletteRimmel London Stay Matte Pressed Powder

There's a few things I've wanted to purchase for a while, it was just a case of going in and finding them. We went into Exeter and I normally favour Superdrug over Boots, but I had seen everything I wanted in Boots so we went there first. It's not that big but I still had high hopes that I would find most things in there. However I left empty-handed and a bit disappointed. I continued on my search in Superdrug and I was surprised to find that they had all the products I had been looking for and in the right shades. I also got some running clothes from Sports Direct which I am keen to try out when the weather gets a little bit nicer. Quite a successful day shopping over all and I am looking forward to trying them all out.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Monday, 27 May 2013

#57 [Memory Monday]

Last year we went out for Alex's birthday to Wagamamaaaaaaas.

It's the first time I've ever been there and as a noodle-lover I was very keen. The best thing I remember from the evening was the cheesecake me and Matt reluctantly shared for pudding. I say reluctantly because I was't actually in the cheeriest of moods with him that evening, and may have even ended up throwing an umbrella at him - opps! Forever sorry. Regardless, the cheesecake was amazing, white chocolate and chilli, strange but yummy. I found this photo the other day and I really like it, a rare one as we don't really get many photos of just us.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Sunday, 26 May 2013


Oh what a lovely sunny day we had today!

Cutest cat

Usually bank holiday weekends aren't that nice weather, but for once it's been lovely for the past two days. This coming week, Jamie is going to 21 years old, so we went out with all the family and friends for lunch to celebrate. It was really nice to have everyone together, and exciting to know that next time it will probably be for my birthday! 

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Saturday, 25 May 2013


Pizza or cookie?

I had this random thought the other day that it would be fun to make a giant cookie, so that it looks like a pizza. So this afternoon when I got back from work I thought I'd do it. It wasn't actually too hard to do, and I think it looks pretty good. The base is just a normal cookie mixture, just put on a pizza tray with foil so that it spread to the right size/shape. Then the tomato base is a chocolate butter cream with red food colouring; white chocolate sprinkled on top to look like cheese. And then finally the topping's are made out of ready made icing that we then just cut up to the shapes we wanted. I say 'we' because I had my little helper, I should give her some credit as she did the boring job of grating the cheese. I think this was definitely worth the effort, and even if it doesn't taste good [yet to be tried] it still looks really cool.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Friday, 24 May 2013


Today has been a better, and busy, day!

I have never been a breakfast person but with exams I always feel like I should eat something before hand to wake up me and get me through to lunch. I started this morning with a croissant from Co-op and tea from college - good combo. The English exam was two and a half hours long, it went well but I am happy for it to be over. I then went straight to work for a couple of hours, and came home and collapsed. I am very thankful for the half term holiday, I have lots of fun things planned so I am looking forward to it. And revision as well, of course!

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Thursday, 23 May 2013


Today has been a bad day, and this muffin was probably the best part of it.

Blueberry muffins are beaut

You know when you have those days when everything just seems to be going wrong - that was today. I don't like to be negative, but when you miss an exam, you know your day isn't going well. I am such an organised and risk-conscious person that it is so unlike me to not check what time my exam was. But apparently today I decided would be that day. Ha. I realise it's not the end of the world, and by this time next week I will be over it, but I am currently still annoyed at myself. It was only a retake, however I wasted time revising for something I ended up feeling prepared for. Oh well, rant over. I have continued to wallow for the rest of the day, revising for my next exam [I will be turning up to this one]. Let's pray that tomorrow is a better day!

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Wednesday, 22 May 2013


Oh how a day brightens when the sun comes out [literally and figuratively].

Today has been a rather hectic day. Starting off with an early start this morning to make it in for my first exam. I wish the train times were more appropriate for college, but it did mean we got in with plenty of time to spare and prepare! The exam went okay, the paper was nice but I don't think I answered very well. But I will have to wait and see on that one. Then I got the train back, straight home to change and then off to work. I don't normally work on a week day, but I offered as they were short on staff and I could always do with the money. It was actually really nice to work during the week, and has made me look forward to getting a job next year even more! I then returned home to do some revision for tomorrow's exam, which was quite successful for once, just as long as the right topics come up [not the way to do revision]. I treated myself to a break and watched Catfish, which is a really interesting documentary-film following this guy's developing friendship with this whole family through Facebook, who don't turn out to be who he expects them to [spoilers]. And then off to see all the peeps for the evening; a lovely walk in the sun was lovely to end the day with. Now, finally, home. And very much ready for bed.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Tuesday, 21 May 2013


The photo that started off my whole wall of craziness, and it's been up there for quite a few years now.

How young does Tom Daley look - so cute! This ripped-out page from a magazine ended up on my desk as joke by my brother, but I thought it would be funnier if I stuck it on my wall. This was back when the hype around Tom was just beginning, and of course all teenage girls were meant to fancy him. I went along with it because it was funny, but now I look and think, would people think I'm actually a little bit stalker-ish to have a picture of him on my wall, like a fan-girl? Maybe, but I'm not. Or maybe I am for never having taken it down. This post goes up today because it is Tom's 19th birthday, and I thought it was fitting. So Happy Birthday to him!

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Monday, 20 May 2013

#50 [Memory Monday]

Apparently today is national best friend day, and even if it isn't, this post goes out to my best-boo Miss Tara.

Cheating with multiple pictures again

We don't get to see each other very much but when we do we just have a laugh. Some of the best memories have to be doing panto in 2009, my Ting Ming! Really keen to enjoy the summer with her and the girls, should be a good'en. Always my Newyorkie.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Sunday, 19 May 2013


My two favourite reads at the moment - not!

I find it kind of weird to think that the knowledge I'm so desperately trying to remember for these next couple of weeks of exams, may potentially be the last things I learn in my school education. But by no means do I mean to stop learning. But hopefully from now on it will be from experiences and journeys I go through whether that be at work, travelling, hopefully doing some missionary work for the church in the future; I hope get to keep learning new things about life, people and myself. It's a scary thought of leaving the safe comfort of the education system, but most definitely an exciting one.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Saturday, 18 May 2013


Cheeky purchase after work.

Think I may need new storage for my lipsticks

I went to buy some birthday presents for the next couple of birthdays coming up and happened to stumble upon these in The Original Factory Shop. It's basically a shop full of discounted or cheap stock, and has lots of branded items. I always pop in after work to see if they have any nice skin care bits, lipstick or nail varnish. This time I was pleasantly surprised to see some of the Kate Moss for Rimmel London Lasting Finish lipsticks, in quite a few shades - and only £2! I honestly could have bought all of them but I limited myself to just getting 2, numbers 03 and 11. Most of the colours that were there I already have a similar one by another brand, except for this nude. I've never been too keen on the whole nude lips thing, but this shade is quite pink-y, so I thought I would try it out. And then I can never pass up a deep red, and the formulation of these lipsticks are meant to be really nice - I just couldn't say no. I am keen to try these out over the next few weeks, I think the 03 is going to be a nice day colour and 11 will be perfect for nights out.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Friday, 17 May 2013


Today has been a pretty standard day; college then a failed attempt at revision!

Although saying that, it has been somewhat productive. I did a small bit of English revision, and then started doing some work on the yearbook that I'm helping my tutor create. It was mainly just moving a template around, changing fonts, all the important stuff. And then I carried on with editing a video for Beckii, which is going to be a long one! Also managed to fit in 3 episodes of Gossip Girl, not sure how that happened. So not a totally wasted day. This photo was just from yesterday night when we were watching the 2nd semi-final of Eurovision - sad I know! I just thought Rebecca looked so nice that I just had to put this on here.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Thursday, 16 May 2013


Mother has relented and let Poptarts into the house!

I've never had a poptart before, until this very evening. Tesco don't stock that many flavours which is a shame, so it was these Strawberry ones or Apple ones. I don't know if it's just us, but the concept of them seems so strange and exciting. Hence a whole post dedicated to them. It was really yummy, but one was enough sugar to last me for the rest of the year! Not sure how some people can eat them for breakfast though. Good end to a good day.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Wednesday, 15 May 2013


Happy Birthday Ash and Lydia!
[Yes, I am cheating putting four pictures into one]

Who actually is Bill?

This evening we went to Bill's in Exeter for some fab food and had such a fun time. I had the chicken caesar salad without anchovies; it came with anchovies, bit annoying, but I was so hungry, I just wanted to eat it. Lydia was happy to take them off my hands anyway! The staff there were lovely, especially dealing with 11 quite noisy girls. We then had a failed attempt at Pitcher and Piano, the staff their weren't so kind; quick stop at Tesco, and then the train home. I had a such a good evening with the girls, lots of laughs, and I am now very ready for bed.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Tuesday, 14 May 2013


My weird love of all things union flag.

Not sure when this began, but my last birthday consisted of a lot of union flag related things. Tell one person you like the union flag and you end up with multiple cushions, blankets, bunting, sunglasses, hearts, an actually flag, multiple mugs, postcards, notebooks and lots of lovely Emma Bridgewater stuff. I'm not as crazy about it now seeing as my room is just covered in it, but I still love the things I have been given. Like I mentioned in my sunglasses post, I have a thing about collecting items and this is just another of those things.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Monday, 13 May 2013

#43 [Memory Monday]

One of the best evenings ever.

May 30th 2012, the last day of exams and we celebrated in style by going to see The Pigeon Detectives. Completing AS levels was enough to be happy about, but getting to go out with 2 of my fav gals and boogie the night away to some beaut music just topped it off. We were right at the front and had such a good time; the support bands were fab too and got some cheeky pics with them afterwards. So happy I am going to finish off A Levels this year by going to see Lewis Watson - it's becoming some what of a tradition. I love going to see people perform music live, especially when you have something to celebrate. Keen for what will be another beautiful evening I am sure.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Sunday, 12 May 2013


"What a typical time for me" - The View

These last few weeks have been much the standard, Monday-Friday at College, Saturday at Work, Sunday at church and then family stuff in the afternoon.

Horrendously out of focus

I'm not complaining; I am a big lover of structure, and since Matt has been away we have got into a routine of speaking to each other usually every other Sunday. This cheeky snap was rather spur of the moment, hence the lack of focus, however I thought it was too nice to leave out. It still seems weird to me, someone who's grown up with ever-expanding technology, that friendships can last so well now with free communication via the internet. I don't try and take it for granted that we can still talk even though he's 9140 miles away [No, I do not know this off by heart]. I hope I never take it for granted.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Saturday, 11 May 2013


More baking!

Today really really should have been a revision day, but after work I wasn't in the mood to try and make my brain work. Instead I thought I'd do some more baking; this time it was white chocolate cookies. I found a basic recipe online for cookies and then just added 200g of white chocolate pieces. The recipe said to only cook them for 7 minutes and then cool for a good half an hour. I did most of them around the 7-9 minute mark and I'm now kinda wishing I had done them for a touch longer. If you like really gooey/soft cookies then they are perfect, however they do still taste gooood.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Friday, 10 May 2013


Enough food for two - I'm not sure?

Me and Phoebe were meant to do some revision for our ever-looming exams, but instead we decided that food was more important! With the McDonalds Monopoly freebies still going on we got free McNuggets and a cheeseburger, and then also bought two meals on the side of that. Can't quite believe we ate it all but we did, except for the lonesome last chicken nugget. Since I've got home I have not done anything productive, unless that includes catching up on the new series of The Apprentice. And now we have some friends round for the evening; got to love   a Friday night.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Thursday, 9 May 2013


After a very mundane day at college, I thought I would do the '25 random facts about me' tag that is going round the blogging world.

Bank Holiday Monday
1) I don’t have a middle name
2) I have a sister and 2 brothers
3) I own 40 pairs of sunglasses
4) As much as I love the countryside, I cannot wait to move to a city
5) I used to love anything Union Flag, and many things in my room are still union flag
6) I’ve seen all 6 Star Wars films
7) My boyfriend currently lives in South Africa and will be back at the end of July
8) My birthday is bang in the middle of the year
9) I got a C in Spanish at GCSE level, but still can’t really speak any
10) I enjoy baking
11) My favourite time of the year is summer
12) I didn’t watch any of the Harry Potter films until 2012, when I watched all 10 in the space of about a week. I now really want to read the books
13) I love Luigi from the Mario Bros.
14) I’ve been skiing since the age of 3
15) I love getting stuck into a TV series, watching it from start to finish
16) Listening to music makes my day a bit better
17) I said a couple of months ago that I wanted to go to a gig some time soon and I now have tickets to see Lewis Watson, Bastille and Everything Everything.
18) I don’t really know what I am doing with my life when college finishes this June
19) My favourite place to be is either in my bed or outside if the sun is shinning
20) I love to play rounders, even though I’m not particularly sporty
21) I can’t make decisions
22) I always grow out a haircut as soon as I’ve had it cut in
23) I have never been to the gym, but probably should go 
24) I really want to live in another country at some point in my life
25) Last year I decided I wanted to learn to speak Italian, that hasn’t gone very far yet

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Wednesday, 8 May 2013


Today has been a good day, with very little revision having been done!

Her beautiful face

One lesson of college, coffee with the bestest and then filming a video for Pooper makes for a good day. We filmed a "Perfect skin" make-up tutorial that was meant to be really quick, and ended up taking quite a while. However we did eventually get there, and I will be distracting myself from revision some time at the weekend to edit it and get it up on Beckii's Youtube. We then had a lovely banterous evening round a friend's house.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Tuesday, 7 May 2013


Coca-Cola has brought out another cracker of a campaign.

There is always a 99% more chance of you buying something if it has your name on it, even if it is the most random thing like a bottle of coke. The idea behind this is very clever, because of course everyone is going to want to see if they can find their name. I wasn't sure if they'd have mine, it's not the rarest name in the world, but it's still not as common as your Bob, Dave and Katie. So when mother brought this home for me earlier I was chuffed! 

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Monday, 6 May 2013

#36 [Memory Monday]

These last couple of weeks have made me really nostalgic. I don't know whether it's just because I've been looking through photos more or the thought of leaving college, but I just seem to be lingering on memories a bit more.

Tin and Stone Bridge, St James’s Park

One of my favourite memories has to be going to London at Christmas, in 2011 with Matt. We went up on the train and spent the first day doing sight seeing as Matt hadn't experienced much of London before. It was a lot of fun except for the fact that it chucked it down with rain, with one small umbrella to share, so we sought refuge in McDonalds. We then went to the theatre in the evening to see 'Dreamboats and Petticoats', and the next day we did some more sightseeing and a little bit of shopping [Covent Garden and M&Ms World got a good look-in]. It was just a really fun time, and I enjoyed being Matt's tour guide for the weekend. I'm still quite surprised I managed to get us round London; It will be one I always remember.

[Most thankful for the lovely French man who took the photo.]

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Sunday, 5 May 2013


Happy 70th Birthday Granny!

Corrine, Luke, Dad, Mum, Gran, Buney, Alex, Jamie, Me, Pete, Val

Today was a lovely opportunity to go out for a nice meal with the whole family to celebrate Gran's birthday. We hardly ever see any extended family, not that we have much anyway, so it was cool to have a catch up with them. We went up to the airfield at Dunkeswell, to have a carvery, and saw lots of people doing parachute jumps! It looked so scary, but I imagine a lot of fun. We then went to the seaside to have a walk in the sunshine [notice all the squinty faces in the picture, except for the genius that remember sunglasses]. It was a beaut day, and why waste this weather, I have a feeling it may be short lived.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Saturday, 4 May 2013


More baking fun!

It seems to have become a standard that when I come home from work on a Saturday, I do some baking. These are for a bake sale that we are having to get money to go towards Newday in the Summer. The recipe for these triple chocolate cookies comes from Vivianna does makeup and was super easy to do! They look so yummy, and it was really hard not to just eat them all.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Friday, 3 May 2013


I think I'm going to be one of those sad bloggers who just ends up showing that they spend more time with their pets than with their friends.

We bought her from Amazon

However this picture was just too good not to put on! Cookie has a very strange thing about sitting in boxes, it's like a second home for her. I think she likes to hide from Watson, which I do not blame her for, because he can be annoying. She would make the perfect pet to be given as a gift because she'd happily get in the box in the first place!

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Thursday, 2 May 2013


I love magazine freebies!

After reading this blog yesterday I was keen to go and buy some magazines today, I am a lover of magazines and who doesn't love a good freebie with it! The Benefit 'they're Real!' mascara is one I've wanted to try for a while, but with the hefty price tag I was reluctant to buy it without trying it first. So with a small sample, and Elle only costing £4.00, I was excited to purchase. I also bought InStyle magazine which had a full size Nails Inc nail varnish with it, I couldn't say no to that. And now I'm off to paint my nails!

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x

Wednesday, 1 May 2013


Sun, ice lollies, Made in Chelsea, Miss Lauren Hole. Just beaut.

Today has been another lovely day, where the sun has been shining all day. I'm still surprised that the weather has remained so good! And to top off what had already been a great day, I'm off to enjoy a lovely evening with the chums, and Me and Phoebe got tickets to see Bastille. Oooh yes.

Until tomorrow, Goodbye x