Wednesday, 23 October 2013
Something I learned today: always check you have a key with you when the rest of your family are out of the house and you want to get in it! I of course had to occupy myself, so I did what I know best, spend money that shouldn't be spent by going on a charity shop hunt and then to Costa!
Thursday, 17 October 2013
There is noting I like more than coming home to a warm house, with food cooked by my wonderful mother, getting changed into something super comfy and relaxing. My evenings may not consist of anything interesting, but I like having those few hours to just chill.
Part of that obviously includes buying lots of new p-js, jumpers and slippers [mine need to be replaces] which is something I have yet to do, but look forward to over the next few weeks!
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Last night Phoebe and I went to see Everything Everything in Bristol and it was great!
The support acts were a bit weird, and the crowd wasn't as up for it as I expected, but the band were on top form! Dan is an insane singer, and gets extra credit seeing as he had lost his voice a few days before! Getting out of Bristol was a tad tricky, but we succeeded and made it home safely!
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Monday, 14 October 2013
My typical train journey...
Music in, heading bopping. |
I think the thing that has put me off posting photos/has made it harder over the last month or so is that I decided to do this faff-y writing bit, which I do like to do, but it's got to the point where it just takes up too much time. So from now on I am going to try and remember that it is a photo that I am uploading everyday, not an essay.
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Friday, 11 October 2013
Today has felt very autumnal for me (layers and red lipstick included) and the weather is certainly proving to be a match for it. My favourite mornings are the ones where it is completely clear and really chilly and it's certainly getting that way! I enjoyed my day off by staying in bed for the morning and then catching up with Lauren in the afternoon - it was great! Then followed a pretty crazy evening down at our church's youth group with about 60 (very energetic) youth! It was a lot of fun, as we painted nails and listened to music. Something else I've also got back into today is listening to the radio, and having it on my phone is so handy. Definitely going to be doing that on my commutes to work from now on.
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Autumn Days |
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
So once again I have failed on the 'post everyday' thing seeing as this last week has had hardly any posts - I was doing so well.
Basically, I started my job last Wednesday and that was a real shock to the system. Having to get up and do a 9 hour day of work from Wednesday to Saturday was hard, but I am finally getting used to it. I kind of feel like I've lost my life a little bit, as I get back at 7, eat my tea and then pretty much go to bed. So time for posting just hasn't occured, but hopefully I will give a little time at the end of my day to post a picture from now on. Yesterday was a pretty manic day, having work from 9-6 and then going straight to Yeovil to see Bastille - it was awesome though.
Basically, I started my job last Wednesday and that was a real shock to the system. Having to get up and do a 9 hour day of work from Wednesday to Saturday was hard, but I am finally getting used to it. I kind of feel like I've lost my life a little bit, as I get back at 7, eat my tea and then pretty much go to bed. So time for posting just hasn't occured, but hopefully I will give a little time at the end of my day to post a picture from now on. Yesterday was a pretty manic day, having work from 9-6 and then going straight to Yeovil to see Bastille - it was awesome though.
Dan Smith! |
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Me and Phoebe |
When we booked the tickets it felt like forever away, but it went really quick and we weren't very organised. However we got there and had such an awesome time. They were never my number one band to see at a gig, but they were really good live and Dan is an incredible singer. I'm now super excited to see Everything everything next week in Bristol!
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Monday, 7 October 2013
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
It is so hard to sum up today in one word but I think out of everything it has to be...tiring! It was literally the first full day of being awake and on my feet for about 3 months. Even then I don't think I've ever been on my feet that long. I got home and just ached. Besides that though it was quite an enjoyable day! Obviously nerve-wracking and a bit daunting with everything your doing and everyone your meeting is new, but I think I got the hang of the basics by the end. My favourite part of the day though was, of course, getting to wear the prestigious lanyard!
And now I am just ready for bed. I got home at 7:00, quickly ate and then had the peeps round since 7:30 so it's been a long day! I've only had one day at work and I'm already looking forward to Sunday!
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Tuesday, 1 October 2013
Another day of just relaxing, and actually probably the last proper one for a while! Tomorrow marks my first day working for Next and actually getting off my bum and doing something. I'm looking forward to it, a little nervous but I'll be fine once I am there. Today I just enjoyed watching some Gilmore Girls and learning some more songs on the Keyboard.
The keyboard is old and grubby! |
I really enjoy finding a song I like and having a play around. Considering I can't play any other musical instruments [a recorder does not count] I think I sound okay!
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Monday, 30 September 2013
#161 [Memory Monday]
One of the many things I love about our church is the social side of it. Even now we are currently planning for all the Christmas stuff coming up and then a Murder Mystery Night in the New Year. A couple of years ago we did a fancy dress disco, which gave us the chance to pick a costume and dress up!
I know some people really do not like Fancy Dress, but I think it's fun and we definitely enjoyed our evening.
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Sunday, 29 September 2013
Preparing for my new job has included going through the Next catalog and pagemarking things - it's been quite fun! I'm not entirely sure how the 'working wear' works yet, but there's no harm in looking right?
Saturday, 28 September 2013
Today marks my last day at Thyme, which kind of makes me sad but also very excited for the future! I'm not sure I will really miss the work, the thought of never making another cup of coffee doesn't send me into deep depressing, but I will definitely miss the people. My favourite customers got me a goodbye card, which was so sweet! We have spent the evening in a typically boring way, just how I like it. I painted my nails, watche
d some Gilmore Girls and then X Factor. Rebecca thought it would be funny to play Chubby Bunny, but with grapes instead. She is a weird one!
d some Gilmore Girls and then X Factor. Rebecca thought it would be funny to play Chubby Bunny, but with grapes instead. She is a weird one!
She was quite successful to be fair.
Until tomorrow. Goodbye x
Friday, 27 September 2013
Never have I ever come home and found Watson on my windowsill before! There have been many weird places, but for some reason he had never chosen that spot...until today.
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He is strange. |
And I do realise it is a shame that my life has got to the point where now the only photos I take are of food and my cat [my phone is testimony to that]. But hopefully when I start work next week my life will become a little more interesting. One thing I have got back into recently has been listening to music. It's been nice to listen to old stuff for the nostalgia factor, but also finding some new bands has been cool too!
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Thursday, 26 September 2013
So today was meant to be my induction a Next, however they have delayed it till next Wednesday. I don't mind too much, because it means they have a couple of days extra to get ready, but it would have been nice to start today and just get on with starting work! To fill my day instead, I just watched loooots of Gilmore Girls...and what a good way to waste time it was too!
I'm now nearing the end of Season 3, swiftly working though it! It's funny how we pretty much watched it from start to finish, multiple times when it was on e4, however there are still some episodes that I have never seen before. I'm now off to bed to watch some more - I don't think I'm hooked just yet!
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Monday, 23 September 2013
#154 [Memory Monday]
I don't even remember when this was taken, but I do know that it was a while ago because we all look young! Pretty sure this was probably near the start of when I became friends with Abi, which seems crazy seeing as she is now one of my best friends.
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Awww the baby faces! |
It's so funny looking back at old photos and seeing how much people have changed, in the way they look and what they wear. I know I changed most near the end of secondary school, and probably still am changing. When it comes to fashion I always change my opinions, like to wear something a little bit different, not really one to be a sheep. It always makes me weirdly pleased when Rebecca turns round and says she really doesn't like something I've bought. It's nice to know you have your own style! Except for all those outfits from the past, which at the time you thought were 'quirky' when actually they were just wrong.
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Sunday, 22 September 2013
One of my favorite things to do, and something we often got told off for in primary school assembly's, is playing with people's hair. By this of course I mean girls, and it's always nice if their hair is really long, as you can just do more stuff! Rebecca's hair at the moment is at a great length, so whilst watching X Factor tonight I enjoyed just messing around with it a bit. These were the results...
The first one being the classic fish plait, which I find far more fun and easier to do than something like a french plait. And then the second one I just thought it would look nice for an up-do, but unfortunately didn't have any bobby-pins downstairs to secure it! She is like my living dolls head.
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Saturday, 21 September 2013
Today is a joggers kind of day. After a crazy day at work, after having 2 weeks off was pretty tiring and I've just been chilling since I got home!
Some evenings that's just what you need, and seeing as I have another early start tomorrow I don't think it will be long till I go to bed either.
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Friday, 20 September 2013
Today has been a good day! Yesterday afternoon/evening, me and Dad finally sat down and looked at phone contracts as my current one had run out. It all ended up being very quick and easy, after being on hold for almost an hour, but it was all worth it in the end. I've been wanting to get an iphone for while so we looked at contracts for the iphone 5, and managed to do a deal with o2. Expecting it to turn up on Monday like the man said, I was pleasantly surprised to hear the door bell ring at 9 this morning, with my phone in the post! And basically all I've done today is play with it...
As pretty much everyone and their mum knows, ios7 has just been launched this week so I had to download that and lots of other things. I'm now on instagram [ndonnedavis] and have all my other social bits on there, including blogger. Which will make blogging that much easier - wohooo! My network doesn't actually start till Monday, so for now I have two fancy!
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Thursday, 19 September 2013
This week I have been keeping myself entertained by enjoying a pastime of mine - watching Gilmore Girls! Everyday after school me and Alex would come home and watch it; Mum enjoyed it so much she bought all of the series on box set. It's funny watching it back because there are some episodes I clearly missed and have never seen before. It's definitely helping in tackling the boredom before I start work!
Series one |
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Tonight was a lovely evening having a goold old catch up with the girls and was nice to see Beckii as she has been away in America. She bought us each back a little gift, which was sweet of her, of which she bought me another lipstick [she knows me too well]. For someone who does not wear that much make-up on a daily basis, it may be surprising how much of an interest I take in it; I'd say I'm more interested in it, than I am actually putting it on my face. Which is why I think owning this many lipsticks is stupid...
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Kate by Rimmel London ¦ Maybelline New York ¦ Topshop ¦ Revlon ¦ MUA |
Don't get me wrong, I love it, I could quite happily double this collection if I had the money to do it. And I also know that for some people it will not seem like a lot. But I just find it amusing that I have this many lipsticks, especially as probably about 4 of them are the same shade, and yet I could quite happily buy more. Maybe it's a good thing I don't have money!
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
I cannot wait to save up some money and buy a new laptop, so that evenings like tonight don't happen again!
My Risky Fish backgound, Rebecca's Youtuber's background! |
A while back me and Alex both needed new laptops, so Dad kindly bought us some. They weren't that great, they weren't new, but they were laptops all the same. Alex has of course moved on to greater things, and had the discipline to save up for one, where as I am still stuck on my Toshiba. I now have his one which is slightly better off than mine [it hasn't been dropped] but is still not that great. I don't think I go a day without a blue screen - hurray! It's also really annoying as I have to still use the itunes on my original laptop [which Rebecca has now inherited] so evenings like this happen...not ideal. Hopefully when I get some more money I will be encouraged to save it, and splurge on a much nicer laptop - I can dream!
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Monday, 16 September 2013
#147 [Memory Monday]
I've just been looking back at my timeline on Facebook, and found some hilarious things! This picture being one of them, which was from Matt's 16th birthday party - Me and Lucy look great!
I think we were in the middle of musical islands and clearly we were winning! I remember it being refreshingly fun to have a whole afternoon of children's party games. Not so funny when Lucy banged her head on the radiator, and Lauren was told she had 'fat hands'!
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Sunday, 15 September 2013
The house seems very quiet this evening, as we are now down to 4 people! We dropped Alex off at uni this morning, after driving down to Surrey yesterday for a friend's 5th birthday party. It's very weird to think that he won't be around the house until Christmas, but I'm definitely looking forward to going up and possibly visiting him over the next year, and pop into London too. When we got home the house was rather cold, Autumn has definitely set in, so the heating is now on! Watson decided to find the best spot in my room, which is under my desk in my bag basket.
I think if I was small enough, I might have joined him too! In a way I'm really dreading winter coming, I'm not a massive fan of the cold, and generally have lower spirits in the darker months. However along with that comes lots of lovely new fashion, candles, yummy food and eventually Christmas. So once I've mourned summer, I think I'm ready to move on and get prepared for those cold, clear mornings and wrapping up warm.
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Friday, 13 September 2013
So I've been really bad at posting lately, it's mainly down to big life changes, a bit of a manic end to the summer and just a lack of routine. However I'm now getting my life sorted again, and am going to try and get this thing up and running! We're currently in the period of time when everyone is leaving for university, and although none of my close girl friends are going, Matt left yesterday to go and study at Manchester, and we are dropping Alex of in Epsom tomorrow. So tonight we went out for a 'last meal' with the Greenlands to celebrate [yet another food post from me!].
We went to the Beefeater, and I had paprika chicken with lots of sides, and then apple crumble pie for pudding which was yummy! The service wasn't great and it turned into quite a long meal, but that's okay when you are in good company.
Another bit of exciting news this week is that I now have a job - woohooooooo! I got called for an interview on Wednesday for the following day, so went along yesterday and ended up getting the job. It's exactly what I had been looking for, and I'm really looking forward to starting later in the month!
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Monday, 9 September 2013
#144 [Memory Monday]
I love the opportunity to look back at old photos, and I often find myself sticking on some tunes and rummaging through the photos on my laptop. I found this picture the other day, and it does not feel long ago at all, it was from Matt's 18th birthday, and I still remember tit like it was yesterday.
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Love that flash! |
Matt definitely celebrated his birthday in style, nothing crazy and stupid, but a lot of fun! On the Saturday we went to a local common and played widegames with all of his school friends and our church friends, then we came back and had a house party. It was one of the best days I have ever had, and it was fun to meet all of Matt's school friends, because he had pretty much hidden me up until that point. There were so many memorable moments from that night, failing to play fifa, breaking the lounge floor by too many people dancing, bit of limbo and dancing until 5am - it was just so much fun! It was lovely to get to know all of the guys as well. I then went round on his actual birthday and celebrated with the family, which was when this lovely photo was taken. I actually don't think it's a bad photo...shame about our eyes!
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Sunday, 8 September 2013
Today has been a day full of quite a lot of things. I woke up and ended up having a stressful hour and being a bit behind for church, but got there in the end! We then went straight to the Grandparents for lunch, then round a friend's house with friends for tea and then back round the Greenland's house to watch X Factor. It's been a nice sociable day full of lots of food! I had a friend join me on the sofa earlier whilst we were watching TV...
Unfortunately it's not a very good photo, but Max looked too sweet to not take a photo! This week includes seeing everyone before they leave for university, and everyone going back to school and work. I however still wait on possible job opportunities and decisions to be made!
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Friday, 6 September 2013
Tonight was a momentous evening, marking the completion of Matthew's CD wall; totalling 105 CDs, all nicely arranged and displayed on his wall. I don't remember when we started it, but I remember him telling me his idea, and we've updated it multiple times since then.
I think it is very impressive for someone to have that many CDs and I think it looks pretty awesome too! We're now chilling and watching the England game...not my choice!
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
I've had my hair chopped again!
I get so easily bored when it comes to my hair, so whenever I go back to our hairdresser I always seem to have a very different style than before. Last September I also decided to get quite a lot cut off, and earlier this year I had a full fringe put in. I just don't seem to have much attachment to my hair, so I enjoy getting it cut off. I know a lot of people grow their hair for years, but mine grows quickly anyway I don't have to bother. I'm most looking forward to having a different style going into a/w!
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
I had a snoop round the charity shops after work on Saturday, as I hadn't done so in a while, and I went into hospice care and picked up a few bits. I saw a top for my mum which I thought she might like, I got a scarf which is your typical square shape with a vintage floral pattern on it and I also picked up a handbag. It's very similar to a previous one I've had, same style and colour leather, just slightly smaller. It wasn't until the next day I had a look at the engraving on the buckle of the strap that I noticed something very random/funny...
It has my name on the weird! I hadn't even noticed that there was anything on there in the first place, let along my name. I just thought it was really funny, especially as I like the bag so much! I do like a good charity shop find.
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Monday, 2 September 2013
#139 [Memory Monday]
Is it a common thing to have those friends who take photos, and really good ones at that, but they never share them anywhere, so you don't see them till months/years after. I do, and the other night I saw this photo for the first time and thought it was really nice. It was from Bonfire night [hence the fire in the background] last year, and it's the sort of photo that makes me accept that autumn/winter is coming and that it may be an okay thing!
Reuben, Josh, Abi, Beckii, Alex, Sean, Adam, Me |
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Saturday, 31 August 2013
Mum, Dad and Rebecca bought me back a present from London, bit random and I'm not sure where I'll put them, but definitely cute.
They are salt and pepper shakers in the style of a classic London Bus. I hope no-one would actually buy these to use, as I won't be, but they may find a spot on my dressing table.
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Friday, 30 August 2013
Since being away at Newday, having Matt home and then going camping again, any structure in my life has kind of been lost. So remembering to take pictures and upload them has been a bit flukey, however I am going to try and get back on track with a picture a day. These next few weeks are going to consist of getting the boys ready for uni and saying goodbye to them [sad times] and then hopefully finding myself a job! However currently it's just been nice to chill at home with the chummys, especially as Me and Alex have had the house to ourselves the last few days. Here are some nice food-y shots from yesterday and today:
It's been nice the last couple of days to have a bit of independance and decide what we want to eat, and I enjoy making it too. It's just the washing up I don't like, however the dishwasher has been on every night!
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Pasta bake whilst watching Adjustment Bureau |
A very keen Matthew for the fry-up, made by his wonderful girlfriend |
My yummy lunch - yes boy |
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
So this weekend our family and lots of others from our church went to a local christian conference called Westpoint. For us it is handy as it is held just down the road, in Exeter, which means short travel and a means to come back and shower. I wouldn't normally come home as I don't find camping that bad, however I actually had to work for two of the days. The internet wasn't great whilst we were there, as you had to pay some silly amount for it, so I didn't get the chance to upload any photos. So once again I thought I'd do a collective one, with lots of photos. If you like to see in more detail what we got up to, then you can watch my brothers video of the weekend.
It was such a good weekend, caught up with some friends I don't get to see that often and great to see what all the other churches have been up to. Makes me excited for the next few years!
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
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My tent-chum for the weekend |
Westpoint Arena |
Matt and one of his mini-friends |
Listening to some Guvna B |
Rebecca doesn't like to be seen with Matt - who could dislike that face! |
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
So just as I was leaving the ice cream shop today I thought that I should probably take a picture before I eat it all. However because it was rushed, the photo isn't in focus. Oh well.
Strawberry Cheesecake |
I met up with Lucy, Lauren and Matt for an ice cream in the sun and a catch up which was lovely. Don't think I've seen these girls in like a month, so it was really good to see them, especially as Lucy will be going off to uni soon. Apart from that I haven't really done a lot today, edited one of Beckii's videos and failed at packing. Tomorrow we are off camping for the weekend, so I don't know how successful I will be in getting photos up, but I am going to try.
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Today I enjoyed a lovely lunch with the girls, down at the new Wetherspoons in town. I, of course, went for a salad because I just love it so much, and apparently am incapable of ordering anything else. It was really yummy and even though it didn't look like a lot, it filled me up.
Club salad - yeah buddy |
It was lovely to have a catch up, and an added bonus to have a nice lunch that wasn't too expensive!
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Sunday, 18 August 2013
Sooo today has been another weird one. I had such a fun morning helping out in the kids work at church, seriously some of the stuff they come up with is just genius. But then for the rest of the day I've been feeling a bit ill and tired, so have just been chilling in my room. Something that I'm enjoying doing, and spending a lot of time doing, at the moment is watching The SacconeJoly's on Youtube!
For those who don't know who they are, they are a family who do daily vlogs of their everyday life, which may seem very boring but there is something really nice and entertaining about watching a family everyday; filming their most important days along with just the average ones too. Because I've come in a bit late, I decided to start watching from when Emilia was born and I am working my way up to present day, which is rather a lot of videos. They seem like the nicest family, and she is such a cute baby, they I just find the hours just dissapear after I watch another video, and another video...etc.
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Late night photo = bad lighting = orange tinge |
For those who don't know who they are, they are a family who do daily vlogs of their everyday life, which may seem very boring but there is something really nice and entertaining about watching a family everyday; filming their most important days along with just the average ones too. Because I've come in a bit late, I decided to start watching from when Emilia was born and I am working my way up to present day, which is rather a lot of videos. They seem like the nicest family, and she is such a cute baby, they I just find the hours just dissapear after I watch another video, and another video...etc.
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
For the first 7 months of this year I was deprived of doing one of my favourite things, having a night in with the boyfriend and family, and watching a film! So tonight was just lovely.
This evenings choice of film was 'Wimbledon', not that new but still quite good; we were all cracking up at the cheese-y one liners. But BY FAR the best part of the film, and moment of my day to be honest, was when one of the characters turned out to be played by Austin Nichols, who plays Julian in One Tree Hill! I had a real fan girl moment, and I think I scared Matt - sorry! Seriously made my day though. After that, Matt wanted to win some points back so I took a photo of him and said I would have it as my picture for today.
This evenings choice of film was 'Wimbledon', not that new but still quite good; we were all cracking up at the cheese-y one liners. But BY FAR the best part of the film, and moment of my day to be honest, was when one of the characters turned out to be played by Austin Nichols, who plays Julian in One Tree Hill! I had a real fan girl moment, and I think I scared Matt - sorry! Seriously made my day though. After that, Matt wanted to win some points back so I took a photo of him and said I would have it as my picture for today.
Blah blah blah |
He didn't really request to be the picture for today, but I thought he may as well be. I took this snap whilst he was phoning his dad to check that they were recording Match of the Day...some things never change! Even though I have to properly go 'out', I can safely say that I already know I'm going to prefer spending my evenings in at home. It was lovely to have a proper chin-wag with Matt, just such a nice night.
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Friday, 16 August 2013
Whilst shopping today we stopped to take some photos of the Gorilla's that have become some-what part of a 'treasure hunt' around the city. I know Bristol have got their version with the Gromit hunt, and it's really nice to see that Exeter and the surrounding area is taking part in a similar kind of idea.
The Great Gorillas Trail consists of 50 gorillas, that have individually been painted and scattered across the "English Riviera and Exeter". I really like the idea of going and trying to find as many as you can, especially with all the different designs on each one.
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
Thursday, 15 August 2013
Today has been a very weird day, that's the only way I can describe it.
It was d-day for most people, getting their A level results, to find out whether they had got into uni or not. For me it was less important as I haven't applied for uni, so I was stuck between not minding and not wanting to be disappointed. I think I found an okay balance, and I have ended up with CCD. For some people they would be very upset and for others it would be really good to just pass, and that's why I've now come to conclude that A levels aren't for everybody. I'm just glad that I know that my plan has already been set out, and I can trust in that and not have to worry [so much]. Also, I didn't do as horrendously as I thought I did!
It was d-day for most people, getting their A level results, to find out whether they had got into uni or not. For me it was less important as I haven't applied for uni, so I was stuck between not minding and not wanting to be disappointed. I think I found an okay balance, and I have ended up with CCD. For some people they would be very upset and for others it would be really good to just pass, and that's why I've now come to conclude that A levels aren't for everybody. I'm just glad that I know that my plan has already been set out, and I can trust in that and not have to worry [so much]. Also, I didn't do as horrendously as I thought I did!
But anyway, just to make the day a little bit better I went and got a Chai Latte from Boston Tea Party - it definitely helped. Also having Matthew drive me in made the day a lot better, definitely do not appreciate that boy enough.
Until tomorrow, Goodbye x
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